Here we are writing an article about how to migrate data from Magento to Shopify.  How did it come to this?  How did this topic get so popular that we felt the need to write an article?  While there are many factors, I would say the main reason we are seeing so many clients and new customers moving from Magento to Shopify is that Adobe has not put much time or effort into their platform (aside from the regular security updates).  Magento (Adobe Commerce) is still necessary for certain types of businesses with very special needs that only a completely open source platform can provide, but those stores are few and far in between.  Shopify on the other hand has made updates and functionality enhancements so fast and furious, they have left everyone in the dust (that includes you, BigCommerce).  So I declare that Shopify is the undisputed champ in 2024 and the world is taking notice!


Step 1: Requirements Gathering

Once you have made the decision to replatform, the next steps are to create a requirements document of everything that is needed in the new site. This is a time consuming task, but extremely necessary. Documentation is needed to properly estimate, quote and plan an ecommerce website.  Not having detailed requirements is a recipe for failure.  Your business will benefit from:

  • Scope of Work based on detailed evidence gathering
  • Reduced cost in the Ecommerce site lifecycle
  • Increased user satisfaction
  • Choosing the correct Ecommerce platform from the start
  • Reduced stress during the development phase
  • Accurate project budget and timeline

Requirements gathering and documentation consists of sitting down with website stakeholders; from marketing, fulfillment, customer service, design and any other members that manage the website. Discuss all the things that are needed in the new site and prioritize them so you can categorize tasks into phases if needed.

Topics to discuss:


  • ERP
  • PIM
  • CRM
  • Tax Software
  • Marketplace
  • Email Service Provider


  • ADA
  • GDPR
  • CCPA

Data Migration

  • Products
  • Orders
  • Customers
  • Blog Articles
  • Reviews
  • QA
  • Tracking Pixels


  • 301 Redirects
  • Structured Data

Other considerations

  • Fast payment methods
  • Customer account login migration
  • Fraud Prevention
  • Single Sign On (SSO)
  • B2B Functionality
  • Content Pages
  • Forms
  • Store Finder
  • Returns / Exchange Module
  • Advanced Shipping
Published On: May 30th, 2024 / Categories: Uncategorized /